We’ll guide your strategic thinking, equip ​your team and future-proof your organisation.

Enabling Organisational Succes​s

The Inside Track exists because we believe the "world of work" needs better leaders and at the heart of everything we do is Organisational Health.

Helping companies become healthier enables them to tap into their "smart" side and drive further differentiation.

Imagine an organisation that has minimal politics, minimal confusion, high degrees of morale & productivity and low turnover among good employees. Imagine that same organisation, that is now inherently healthier, and watch it capitalise on its "smartness".

Gain the ultimate competitive advantage and build an organisation that you love leading.

Everything we do is practical, relevant and fast so you won’t be bored or ever think you have wasted your most precious resource (time) by allowing us into your organisation.

The Teamwork Trifecta

Imagine an organisation as a bus, you are the driver (leader), and the goal is to take this bus from “good” to “great.”

The Right People in the Right Seats on the Bus:

  1. Leaders should focus on getting the right people on the bus first. This means hiring and retaining individuals who align with the organisation’s values, culture, and vision.
  2. Once you have the right people, the next step is to ensure they are in the right seats—meaning they are in roles that leverage their strengths and skills effectively.
  3. Lastly, it is about performance and how we power the bus to reach the destination (our business goals). This means building a cohesive leadership team and challenging the 5 dysfunctions most common in teams.

In summary, the bus metaphor underscores the importance of assembling the right team, placing them in roles that maximise their potential, and driving toward greatness together.


An ideal team player embodies three virtues: humility, hunger and people smarts.

Humble – Lacking excessive ego, emphasising team over self.

Hungry – Looking for more to do/learn, self-motivated, thinking about what’s next.

Smart – Having common sense about people, perceptive about groups and individuals, and are active listeners.

One of the most important ways to succeed in your workplace and life is by developing the ability to be a team player. Being able to work effectively with others to achieve a group goal is more important than ever in an interdependent and changing world.

Yet ideal team players are uncommon. As leaders, we say we want team players, but we can’t clearly define the individual qualities we’re looking for—and so we end up hiring people who undermine teamwork (it doesn’t take many to destroy a team). In addition, many leaders and organisations pay lip service to teamwork, but they don’t devote serious attention to making it part of their culture.

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Everyone possesses certain “geniuses,” or intelligence types, and all successful teams consist of members possessing a combination of each type. By identifying which traits your team members have, you can maximise both productivity and individual fulfillment.

An intelligence type is intrinsic to the individual, meaning the types reflect what that person is naturally good at. Each intelligence helps people excel at one of six essential activities required during any project, from developing your next product to planning a family vacation to establishing a summer fundraiser for your local charity group.

These are the six intelligences in the model

Wonder: Perceiving Opportunity

Invention: Innovating Solutions

Discernment: Vetting Ideas

Galvanising: Mobilising People

Enablement: Supporting

Tenacity: Seeing Things Through

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The last element of The Teamwork Trifecta is The 5 Dysfunctions of a Team.

The Five Dysfunctions of a Team explores how teams fail to work cohesively together through a dynamic, five-part model of dysfunction.

1. Absence of Trust

2. Fear of Conflict

3. Lack of Commitment

4. Avoidance of Accountability

5. Inattention to Results

Like it or not, all teams are potentially dysfunctional. This is inevitable because they are made up of fallible, imperfect human beings. From the sports arena to the executive suite, politics and confusion are more the rule than the exception. However, facing dysfunction and focusing on teamwork is particularly critical at the top of an organisation because the executive team sets the tone for how all employees work with one another.

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L25, 108 St Georges Tce, Perth, Western Australia, 6000, Australia

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In person consultation within the Perth, Australia, metropolitan area

All other areas serviced virtually or by prior agreement.